Micro Wedding

Julie and Ryan’s Sycamore at Mallow Run wedding was a beautiful way to start out the new year! With a beautiful clear, crisp and sunny January day for them. Their reception event had to be downsized from 250 all the way down to 25! But no worry, they planned accordingly and made it awesome. They used an intimate fireside space in the venue to host the dinner and had all the guests sit around a single large table. Plus the bar was just a few steps from the dining room!

All this to say a Micro wedding doesn’t have to feel small when it’s planned right. Even in a huge venue like the Sycamore, it’s all about adjusting and matching the space in the venue to fit the group. And when there’s a small group the staff can provide a better experience for those guests. That said this was a fun group, excited for the couple and the energy level was high!

This was our second time working with the Coval family. The first was with Josh and Kelly Julie’s older sister and her spouse. It was special to be invited back to spend the day with this wonderful group again and get to know Ryan’s family as well.

Looking for a videographer for your Indianapolis area wedding? Contact us Today!




To be continued… since then we filmed a larger reception celebration same place 1 year later because… some bride’s get two weddings!