Kateri & Chase’s November Wedding Day at Notre Dame was all a fall wedding day in Northern Indiana should be. Filled to the brim with warm hearts and sublime chilly beauty!


There’s something really special about wintery weddings. I find there’s a beautiful contrast between the warm love found in the hearts of the couple and their family and friends to the freezing temps outside. Also something about a cool wedding day makes you feel extra warm indoors. We were inside most the day at the venues. The Basilica and The Blue Heron at Blackthorn where we all enjoyed the sights and sounds of their day. Kateri and Chase did brave the cold for their candid session and were rewarded with stunning results. Sorry your hands turned purple guys but it was worth it!


One of our favorite moments from the day was the letters they read to one another prior to their ceremony. Kateri’s letter was written years ago when she first noticed Chase’s intentions toward marrying her! And through their letters we learned that their faith and hope in God has played a huge role in guiding them together and toward their destiny. It was fitting they were married in the beautiful Basilica on the Campus of Notre Dame. A place they both deeply appreciate and have spent much time praying together. Our best to you Kateri and Chase! May your life be filled with much love and happiness!


Looking for wedding video for your Notre Dame wedding? Contact us today.